Coffee Freshness 101

Coffee Freshness 101

There is nothing better than a fresh cup of coffee, but what exactly do we mean when we say fresh? How can you make sure that you are drinking a fresh cup of coffee every time? Look no further because we are here to give you "Coffee Freshness 101". 


Coffee is the freshest soon after it is roasted. This is why we roast our coffee the day it's ordered. So how can you know when your coffee was roasted? Most coffee packages will conveniently place the roast date on the back or bottom of the package. Coffee needs time to rest after roasting to allow for de-gassing, you should start using the coffee 3-5 days after roasting for brewed coffee and 5-7 days after for espresso. For the best-tasting cup of coffee, it is recommended that you brew within a month after its roast date. 


Coffee is very porous and easily absorbs moisture, and moisture is one of coffee's biggest enemies. So avoid storing coffee in the fridge or freezer because it tends to be more moist in the fridge and your coffee can end up absorbing all the odors in there. Keeping the coffee cool is fine, but a dry pantry is a much safer option in terms of coffee freshness.


Oxygen is another enemy of coffee. In order to keep your coffee at it's freshest, it should be stored in an airtight container. Airtight containers allow for carbon dioxide to escape without letting oxygen in. This is especially important when you are storing ground coffee. In our shops (and in many of our homes) we use ceramic kitchen canisters that have a special Airscape® inner lid. While most food storage canisters lock some air in with the contents, the Airscape® forces the freshness-destroying oxygen out of the canister, extending the life of your coffee. Whatever container you use, it should then be stored in a cool, dry space.


These tips will help you keep your coffee fresh and guarantee a great cup of coffee every time!

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